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Now, I Know Mathematics (August 20, 2020)


Last updated on December 6th, 2020 at 08:57 pm

Today, we went downtown, and I stopped by the Root Square Park, which from the sound of the name, is a math school.

I must say math is not hard at all. Thanks to Dad. He walked me through it, literally 🙂

I guess you`d say, why did I go back downtown after I vowed never go downtown anymore.

Well, it looks like its not my (yet) call to decide where to go.

However, today downtown was not as stressful for me as it was the last time. It was not too noisy today. At it was hot this evening, unlike the last time.

And the people were very friendly, as always.

When downtown, we went to a nice park with a lot of green spaces. The park has a nice pond and a lot of structural artwork.

poodle at green park
poodle looking at structural art

I will now have to rethink my feelings about going downtown. I am really thinking about it. I will let you soon know what I decide.

poodle at park